There are so many careers in the biological sciences! Here is a short list of possibilities from the Biology Student Handbook to get you thinking. This page provides some resources for different kinds of careers that a Biology or Biochemistry major might pursue.
General Career Information

Research can be done at universites (emphasis on basic research), in industry (emphasis on applied research), in government agencies, or in other settings. Every possible field of biology has research opportunities!

Directing research usually requires a PhD (did you know that in the life sciences, you don't pay tuition to get a PhD, and you're paid a stipend?). However, there are many opportunities at the BS/BA level as well, working as a technician or research associate.

Medicine and Healthcare

See our Pre-Health pages for much more information about health-care careers, professional schools, pre-requisites, major and course planning, etc.

Veterinary Medicine
Scientific Communication
Although all scientists are also communicators, some choose to focus their careers on communication. This could mean being a science journalist, writing about science for the general public. Or you might specialize in writing grants or working as an editor for a scientific journal.